We have joined forces with goodtogoinsurance as they offer a policy backed by some of the UK’s leading insurers and they offer different levels of cover at variable premiums.
But that’s not all what makes it special :
- No age limit on single or multi – trip policies
- All types of conditions can be covered to a high level of severity,even those with a terminal prognosis.
- Cancer , Heart Conditions, Diabetes, Stroke, Epilepsy are just a few of the conditions
- Mental health conditions are equally insurable
- Cover is available to travellers on a waiting list for treatment or investigation
- Full online medical screening with immediate results
- Wheelchairs and other mobility aids are covered up to £2500 for loss or damage and cost of hiring an alternative is also covered
- Loss of medication and cost of urgent replacement is covered up to £300
- If an insured person is hospitalised for at least 5 days and undergoes surgery whilst abroad there are various additional benefits provided on return from their trip….
- Recuperation holiday
- Private medical examination in the Uk
- Home help/ Nanny
- Cosmetic surgery
- Kennel and Cattery cover
We can also provide cover for your travelling carer on the same policy
This means they will also have cover for cancellation or curtailment due to your pre-exist which is unlikely to be available if they are insured with another provider.
It is refreshing to find an insurer that is not concerned with the age of a traveller and is willing to help those with an illness.
There are three levels of cover to select Silver Gold and Platinum with the facility to add extra cover for say ski or golf equipment plus additional enhanced options.
Please feel free to obtain a free quotation now.